Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Kuruman Island

Yesterday we went to Kuruman which is an island off the coast of Brunei. Technically it is Malaysia. All that is on the island is a little bar where you can buy beer, a lovely beach and dense rainforest.

It was absolutely fantastic. We went swimming in the sea which was really lovely and warm. the weather was fantastic. It was like being on a tropical island........which it is!!! The waves were quite strong so we could have fun jumping in the waves.

It took around 45 minutes to get there from Brunei and we went in a little speed boat which zoomed over the waves.


At 2:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi julia neil was about to book my ticket then i saw the snake so i think i will stick to blackpool. it does look amazing and you both seem to be really happy both in work and play. take care love kath x


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