Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Friday, August 18, 2006

School Stress

Hi everyone

Well I've finished my first week of school and it was pretty stressful. Information overload!!!!! I'm also teaching a course that no one has taught before. The course material is pretty crap and useless, so I've no idea how I'm going to get these kids to pass the course. The lesson plans were obviously made my an illiterate failed teacher.

Hopefully I'll be moving into my new house tomorrow and I'll have my new car. Thankfully I've got Monday off school because it is a bankholiday, which is wicked. The kids come in on Tuesday and thats when the real stress starts.

I've just downloaded some photo's of my trip to fishguard. So I thought I'd post some on my blogg.

It's now started to tip it down outside, so hopefully it will be a little cooler today. Got another meeting in a moment....so better go.

Julia xx


At 7:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck at school Jules!


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