Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Monday, August 14, 2006

Starting School

Well, at the moment I'm living with a lady called Christine who is the Drama Teacher at the school. She is really nice and comes from Canada. Her house is great and really close to the school.

Neil dropped me at the school today and the staff and I went to a really nice restaurant where we had a fantastic Chinese lunch......I am soooo stuffed.

Last weekend Neil and I went to a really nice riverside cafe in KB. It is right beside the river and on the other side of the river is just endless jungle.....it was a fantastic view. The food was cheap as well. It cost 12 dollars for our meal which is about 4 pounds.

We also went to Jeurdong theme park which was a bit of disappointment because all the rides were closed because they are being sold to Thailand. It's been closed for two years because there doesn't seem to be much demand for a theme park in Brunei. However, we still had a go on the bumper cars, shooting gallery and sega rally. It was fun! There is a karting track there as well.....amazingly it was open BUT there was only 1 car in operation. Neil went for a ride around the track....surprisingly he won the race!

I'm really looking forward to teaching at the school because it appears that Malaysian children are far better behaved than their English counterparts.

Anyway, gotta go

Julia xx


At 7:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jules,

Great to hear from you. I'm glad you and Neil arrived safely and it sounds like you're having a fantastic time and settling in well with the locals, bugs and all!

I'm looking forward to coming over already, although I know it's not until next year.

Keep us posted with what you're both up to.

Take Care, Love Tracey xx

At 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you've not told anyone about your addiction to "100 plus" since you've arrived here !




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