Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kuala Lurah

Hi Everyone

School is OK. I'm just starting to settle into a routine. The kids seem very well behaved at the moment....but this is the honeymoon period.

I've taken my first trip over the boarder to a place called Kuala Lurah which is in
Sarawak (Malaysia). It's really near to our house. It's basically a shanty town, but it has lots of bars that sell very cheap Tiger Beer. We had a few beers and some Satay which was nice. We also brought some Tiger Beer to take back over the border - it was only $1 a bottle which is 29p.

So far I'm enjoying living here. The weather is pretty predictable (always hot) apart from the occasional rain storm. Of course when it rains, it rains shit loads. We were in Gadong night market the other day, when it started to piss it down. We were under cover, so it was ok at first. Unfortunately the rain got worse and the thunder and lightening started. The winds really picked-up and the rain was literally flying horizontally in a thick mist everywhere. Then the lights went out and trees started falling over and breaking. We of course got completely soaked and luckily managed to get back to the car.

Anyway gotta go, take care



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