Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First month in Brunei

I've been in Brunei for just over a month now. I definitely do not regret leaving the UK education system. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to teaching with UK kids. The kids here are lovely and really want to learn.

Good news is that Neil doesn't have to work Saturdays anymore, which is fantastic. It means we can now do more on the weekends. I am hoping to go to Tembourong, where they have a fantastic canopy walk.

I'm helping out with the production tonight of West Side Story. At the moment I have the laborious task of photo-copying the script.....but hopefully I'll finish that today. Tomorrow I'm starting Malay classes and then straight after I'm teaching teachers and admin staff how to use PowerPoint.

I'm being observed tomorrow by the lady from the GAC and I have a meeting with her to discuss the course. I think I'll have to tell her, how dire it is. That way at least something might get changed.

It's very strange here. Although it is a dry country, we seem to have more beer and wine in the house then we did in the UK. Probably because it is soooooo cheap and we keep buying it when we go to KL. We're also drinking less......I've become a bit of light weight.....teehee.

I went to a restaurant a couple of nights ago near out house. We had the best Satay with peanut sauce ever and some lovely stewed rice. The whole meal only came to $8 (inc. drinks) which is about 3 pounds.

The CD shops are also very cheap. I brought 6 CD's for $12 which is about 4 pounds.

Anyway, I've got a cover now, so I better go



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