Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Friday, September 01, 2006

Monkey Business

At the back of our house, there is a small strip of jungle. In the mornings there are loads of monkeys at the back of our house. They swing on the trees and climb on our fence. We also saw a humongous monitor lizard with a really long neck. It's like having your own personal wildlife programme.

I was the supermarket the other day and there were about 15 monkeys running around the car park. They were scavenging for food left outside. They are quite cute, but it must be mateing season, because they won’t stop bonking each other. It's quite annoying when you come back to the car park after shopping to find two Monkey's having too much fun next to your car.......I mean 'GET A ROOM'.

It's Friday today and I finish work at 11.45....yipee. So I'm off for a swim and then in the evening I'm going to Kuala Lurah with Neil and one of his friends from work. Then on Saturday we are off for a meal at the house of the Head of English at my school. Then on Sunday we are going to the Empire Hotel for a swim. My social life is so much better here then it was in Manchester. Brunei may be a small place, but it seems quite easy to keep yourself busy.

At school I'm pretty busy. I'm helping out with the production West Side Story. I'm also holding a basic computer programming club for the students and I'm giving teachers lessons on PowerPoint. Plus I've decided to join the orchestra as soon as mum and Clare bring my violins over to Brunei.

Today I had my first behaviour problem. One of my students was on the internet.....SHOCK HORROR!!!!!!! That's about as bad as it gets really. The kids here don't really misbehave. They are generally very friendly. Of course there is always the occassional kid who wants to mess around.

Got to go

Love Julia


At 5:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna swap!

When my kids misbehave they normally tell me to 'f' off; or try and hit another pupil with a chair. If I'm really unlucky they try and hit me with a chair whilst telling someone else to 'f' off...

Fun fun fun.

You lucky cow...


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