Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cooking for friends

Well tonight I'm cooking for 7 people. A few people from work are coming round for dinner. I'm probably going to make homemade pizza's.

We went to KL last night to get a couple of bottles of wine for the evening (drank a couple there aswell).

I think I'll make tomato soup for starters, but it means I've got to go out and buy onions and it's looking like it is going to rain any minute. We've had a lot of rain lately. Massive storms. Apparantly the school sometimes floods. The school field looks like a bog at the moment, soon there'll probably be no grass left. You should see the kids after P.E - they look like they've just been to Glastonbury.

It is Ramadan at the moment which means that Muslims are fasting during daylight hours. So there are a lot of sales on in the shops at the moment. When Mum and Clare come it will be Eid, which is the celebration of the end of fasting.


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