Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Kuala Lurah

The last time we went to Kuala Lurah for a booze run we took some photo's. The picture below is of the brunei border where we get our passport stamped.

The picture below shows some of the shops that sell BBQ pork (which is lovely). We pass these stalls as we go the pub.
The picture below is the pub. It's not luxurious but it's got character. It's normally pretty busy. All the tables are normally taken.

The toilets of course are less then desirable, but when you gotta go, you gotta go.
I like to have wine when we go and they always serve it in a bucket full of ice. Probably the biggest ice cubes I've ever seen.

It's a great place. It's called Lingies. Great service. Cheap booze. Great food. You just gotta put up with scanky toilets.


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