Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Monday, October 16, 2006

The lazy life in Brunei

Things that I don't have to do myself now that I live in Brunei:

-Fill up my car (the petrol attendants do it all for you)
-Pack my own shopping
-Clean my own house
-Iron my own clothes

Life can be very lazy here......it seems to be the way of life. I LOVE IT. I especially love going to the petrol station. You just drive up, wind your window down, and tell the guy how much you want to spend and then you pay him through the window.

I also love having a maid. The other day I was trying to take the lining out my trousers. I made a complete mess of it and just left it on the side. A couple of days later, my trousers appeared on the table all sewed up and fixed. Amazing.......I never even noticed they'd disappeared.

Of course I do have to put up with some negative things, but the positives out way the negatives.

Anyway, one more week till half term break and then I'll be spending two lovely days at the empire hotel with my sister and mum.


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