Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Back at school

I'm back at school after the holidays. So much work to do that I think I might drown. I'm sat at home at the moment.......just cleaned the house because the maid can't come this week....what a drag. Anyway, Neil's gone out to buy our first TV. All the TV's we've ever had have been inherited from someone or other and have been very small. He's very excited. We've gone for a 29" LG TV. We considered buying a 34" TV from this Chinese brand, but the quality was a bit dodgy (although it was cheap).

Anyway, I think I've just heard him pull up. So I'll have to go and help him drag the TV out of the car.

Take care



At 9:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bring Romancing the Stone with me in that case.

At 12:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Julia, It's Vicky from Nursecare. Glad to hear your enjoying yourself but what a drag having to do your own cleaning! Seen your Mum's photos it all looks fab.Take care, regards - Vicky


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