Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Kuala Lumpur

We went to Kuala Lumpur for our half term holiday. KL is in Malaysia and about 1 hour and 45 minute flight from Brunei. As we flew over KL we got a great view of the Petronas Towers.

We arrived pretty late because we took an Air Asia flight and most of their flights are evening flights. When we got to the airport, we took a coach to KL city centre, which is about one hour away. Once we got to the city centre we caught a cab (who of course in Asian style drove like a maniac) to the hotel.

The hotel was lovely; The pacific regency. When we arrived at 12.30 the baggage guy told us that the roof top bar was still open. So we decided to go and check it out. It was quite amazing. The trendiest bar I’ve been to in a long time. Lovely lighting, funky music and swish chairs all centred around the roof top pool. Then if you looked directly up to the left you would see the KL tower and to the right there was the Petronas Towers. It was at that point we realised that the hotel had a pretty good location.

The next day we took in the cultural sites. Went to Medeka square (independence square), which had a kind of Colonial Asian mingled architecture. Then we went to the national history museum which was very interesting. It is incredible how many countries have had control of Malaysia. The British, the Dutch, the Japanese, the Portuguese. In fact it’s only had 50 years of independence and not that long ago was having problems with communism.

We went to the Batu Caves which are very large caves in this kind of large rocky hill in the middle of KL. They are very impressive, but it is soooooo tacky. It is a Hindu shrine and has somehow become incredibly touristy. It’s got nothing on the caves of Borneo. The Monkey’s are pretty scary as well. They are extremely tame and they’ll steal anything from you if you’re not careful.

After the caves we took a taxi to the butterfly museum. The stupid taxi driver tried to charge us 50RM for the 10 minute drive. So of course we told him that he must be f**king joking (in a more polite way), and told him we wouldn’t pay him more than 15RM. In the end he had no choice to take it, he knew we knew that he was trying to rip us off with a rigged metre. You’ve got to be careful in KL , the taxi drivers try to rip you off left right and centre. Afterwards we thought about and realised we probably actually ripped him off a bit for the ride……..serves him right.

Anyway we then relaxed in the butterfly museum and took some nice pics. We also got to see some horrible creepy crawlies. To think that I go hashing every week, running passed these horrible creatures really puts you off.

We also went to see the Petronas towers up close. They look fantastic at night time. It also has a really good shopping centre where I got some new clothes. We also had a nice Japanese meal there.

We found a nice Irish pub where we played pool and ate pie. We also went for a meal at a German pub which was an experience. The food was great. Cooked by this German chef. The interesting part of the night was that one guy from on nearby table got so drunk on Jaagermister that he ended up unconscious half underneath our table. Then there was another lady from the table who spent most of the night being sick in the toilets. The German Chef was also pretty drunk and kept dropping things all over the place. It was such a funny evening.

This is the Neil before he ate the doughnut!

This is the doughnut after Neil applied his traditional eating method (stick it all in your mouth at once and hope you don’t choke).


At 2:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool Yule


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