Julia's Malaysian Adventure

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas Tree

We've put up our Christmas tree. Neil's boss gave us a really nice fake tree, which was really nice of him. I don't know where we would have got one otherwise. He also gave us some really nice decorations.

When we went to Sinagpore

This is me in the hotel lobby.

This is a picture of boat quay where you can get nice food and beer. The picture is taken from a boat cruise that we went on.

This is a picture of Neil on the boat cruise up the river.

This picture is of the mer-lion fountain. I have no idea why they have one!

This is the long bar which is at the famous raffles hotel. We had Singapore slings. The bar is famous because you get free monkey nuts and everyone just throws the shells on the floor. So the floor is literally covered with shells.

We went to Singapore Zoo and we took some pretty cool photographs. This guy is sooooooo cute.